The Indie Game Media Network (en) | Indie Game Media Creators coming together

indie_networkThere are so many people, who put their liveblood into reviewing, mentioning and sharing indie games. We wanna make them visible, let them share their thoughts and projects. We will build our own Indie Game Media Network.

Deutsche Version gefällig? Hier entlang!

Games, it is all about games and sometimes some reports and articles about all the developers and publisher, who are creating such amazing and wonderful virtual worlds where you tend to spend so much time in. Guess who’s spending a lot of time with these games too? We do, Welcome To Last Week – the german indie game magazine! But it’s not just us. There are so many people who fill the media with indie game subjects. Blogs, magazines, podcasts, photo- and video-creators, streamers. Authors, writers, photographers, rehtoricians, entertainer, cutters, cosplayer and artists.

They all have something incommon, their passion about indie games and their engagement to share their beloved and interesting games with a wider audience. To talk about some outstanding charakteristics like art, sound and music. To build a platform for those people behind creating an indie game. They are a big part of the whole indie game scene, but rarely do they talk about themselfs. About their projects, about their passion, how they got to the point starting their very own special project. Even more rarely they do talk about themselfs. Just when it can be used stylistically or as part of the subject they are talking about. Maybe they can do their media based project full time, maybe not? Maybe they have to write and produce a video or podcast sometime after work at 8 p.m.?

It is time that you get to know these people, who are responsible for maybe knowing your favourite game. Those people, who spread all the games around the world. Those games which doesn’t have a big promotion company supporting them. Now, we want to draw the attention to them. In this case we will publish an article about „Indie Game Content Creators“ regularly. We wanna build up a network where all those different creators can share they skills and thoughts, help out others within the network. A network where they can grow together, with all their different takes on indie games. This is for getting to know each other as well.

This will be the main article with an upcoming list about all those individuals within the different branches of the media. It will be sorted by language with linking the special article behind the content creator. Lets just dive right into all those awesome media people and their projects. One by one, all sharing the love of indie games.

Yours truly Benja (editor in chief WTLW)

You are an indie game media creator yourself and want to talk about you and your project? Sure, just write us:

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Die Allround-Tante von WTLW. Trägt Kamera, trinkt Oatly Kakao und spielt alle narrativen Games mit gebrochenen Wesen und kaputten Persönlichkeiten. Gerne minimalistisch und völlig entsättigt. Hauptsache irgendwie eigen, mit dem nötigen Wahnwitz im Konzept. Außerdem fährt sie mit Leidenschaft im Kreis.

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